BC Indi-Rah

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BC Indi-Rah BC Indi-Rah BC Indi-Rah
BC Indi-Rah
BC Indi-Rah weight
SP-BCT-#2 4.3g
SP-BCT-#3 9g
SP-BCT-#4 16.6g

BC Indi-Rah has a blade of Indiana type, but proportions and depth of stamping of blade were selected specially so that front resistance created by BC Indi-Rah at retrieving doesn’t exceed the front resistance of spinners with Swing or Willow Leaf types of blade. Thanks to this feature BC Indi-Rah works excellent at up-stream and down-stream fishing as well as in still water.

The body consists of a combination of balls. Number and sizes of balls are fit together to achieve the same effect as BCS Pontoon21 spinners already approved: the body is free of spurious vibrations at all stages of fishing and retrieving (Zero Vibration Body System – ZVBS).

Reverse pattern on both sides of blade (RPB) is well-visible and looks the same independently on angle of view. Color of body’s components and Pontoon21 dressed trebles correspondent to RPB. As a result BC Indi-Rah looks as organic whole, and careful predator does not grow suspicious at BC Indi-Rah during its retrieving.